Saturday, May 17, 2008

Here is a one time shot of our Garage. We have been married for almost 21 years and this is the first and lets face it probably the last time that a car will be in our garage. Lets take a moment............... Ok that was nice.
I know this looks like an ordinary salt shaker and it is but it is neatly placed on the counter by Christopher. What I do not have a picture of is the salt all over the family room floor. it was like snow. I took the picture because he did put it neatly on the counter when he was finished. Such a nice boy. @#$#@#!!!
Here is our finished Motercycle. We finally got it fixed after it being out of commission for a year . Whitnie has lost sleep since then. yea!
This is a picture of Kyle washing our firends car. She was paying him to clean out her car and she offered him 5 more dollars if he washed it with out his shirt. Kyle is such businessman. He is 5 dollars closer to paying off his part of the wrecked car. A whole other story.


Les and Cheryl said...

I've seen your garage before, I can't imagine how you pulled that off.

I'm sure whoever paid for Kyle to take his shirt off felt she got her money's worth.

Great Chris is learning to put things away.

Yea, I don't know anything about bikes,but it looks good.

Stacey Bishop said...

Owen decided to play with sugar the other day and I can't stand the feeling of being barefoot and stepping in sugar......the worst part is that eventhough I complain about the feeling, I let it sit for a while and took the long way around the kitchen till I felt like cleaning it up:)